Sunday, June 5, 2016

Only One Good Man

Since I was a young lad, I have been exposed to a rich fantasy universe called Warhammer. Although, it is super expensive, it is a lot of fun to play. You buy plastic or metal miniatures, paint them, then fight battles with them.

There are many different factions, but I really want to focus on two of them. The first is Chaos, they are the epitome of evil and there are four different factions of Chaos. The followers of Tzeentch love change and most of the time they are powerful wizards and have strange bird like mutations. Nurgle is the god of disease and most of his followers have disgusting growths and are rotting. Slaanesh is the god of pleasure and his followers are often found engaging in orgies and taking various drugs. My personal favorite is Khorne as Khorne is the god of rage. His followers are known for shouting "Skulls for the Skull Throne! Blood for the Blood God!"

The good races in the universe spend their time trying to eradicate Chaos, but they are failing to push the tide of Chaos out of their lands. The Empire follows the mighty god Sigmar and their sole purpose is to fight the forces of Chaos.

In one of the many Warhammer books I have read, I remember one of the characters lamenting about how Chaos would someday overrun the world. One of the other characters responded by saying Chaos won't win as long as one good man fights the powers of Chaos.

This reminds me of the real world as we as Christians are bombarded by the World, satan, and our sinful nature to fall away from Christ's teachings. We are surrounded by evil and even though it seems to us that we will be unable to push back against the hordes of evil surrounding us, we need to remember that satan hasn't won until the last Christian has stopped fighting.

Now, this seems even more daunting as I know for myself I am a sinful and broken vessel in comparison to what is needed. That said, I am reminded of Isaiah 64:6 "We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind."

Now that is both a terrifying thought and a comforting one. This means that my best is basically comparable to a used tampon in contrast to how Holy or set apart God is. All of these big scary thoughts usher in the awesomeness of Jesus though as Colossians 1:27 reminds us that For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory."

This means two things for us, first of all, we don't need to worry about all of this evil in our world on our own. This also means that Christ, who is present in us is helping us with our quest. Which is such a relief as I know I would be drowning in sin if it weren't for Christ in me. Therefore, I know that Christ in me is fighting for me and with me.

Thank you for reading everyone!

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