Monday, August 28, 2017

Just Some Thoughts on... Racism

Lately my Facebook Feed has been blowing up with news, reports, and posts about racism.  Which, is kind of annoying to be honest with you.  It's really sad to see that America today is still not only dealing with this, but is also relishing the fact that there is this scourge.  That isn't to say that all of the people on my Feed are posting things that are for or against it, but it's still super frustrating to see.  I understand that's what is going on in America, but why can't we just stop it?

I think there are several things at play here.  First off, I think that there is overt racism in America.  I would argue that the KKK and other groups like that are overtly showing racism towards individuals who aren't white.  I would also like to suggest that there is a more subvert form of racism where  individuals of color who work minimum wage jobs can't get housing they can afford and the like.  I know this is mostly an outright form of hate, but it leads to segregation in cities.  The last major kind of racism I've noticed is the kind where individuals are just plain treated differently.  What does that mean?  Well, when we treat individuals with "kid gloves" or whatever you'd want to call it, we end up saying things like of course that's how this people group would act, that's the only way they can voice their opinion.  However, I don't think this is the case.  Individuals are allowed to voice their opinions in the way that is deemed appropriate and they don't have to choose violence or riots.

I think it's important to become friends with as many individuals as possible who are different than you.  That way, you can see their stories, how they think, and what they feel.  I know being friends with people who are different than you is hard, but it's the best way to learn about people of different groups.

If you read the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32, you find that God treats you as His child.  One could surmise that anyone reading this passage is God's child.  This means that the words that Paul writes in Galatians 5:14, "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself." is not only simply about loving the other individuals, who happen to be your siblings in Christ, but also means that the other laws God gives us are summed up in this little statement.

As a Christian, it's important to spend time finding ways to practically love on those who are different than you, and also pray for them.  It's important to find ways to bridge gaps between individuals and discover who they are.  We should be loving others in response to the boundless love of God and not to earn God's love.  What better way to showcase this, than by loving everyone around you?


  1. Not sure if this topic is of legitmate interest to you, but I wanted to come here to share some helpful resources with you:

    1. "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander
    2. "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson
    3. This podcast (which is one of my personal favorites:

    In response to your comment about loving others being the goal, I believe it's deeper than that; it's empathy. As a middle class white woman, I will never ever experience the degree of discrimination, institutional racism, and disparity in just about everything that my friends and their families from the black community have endured for generations that my ancestors created and approved of. What I can do is listen, learn, and speak out against it.

    1. That's a good point, thank you! I'll have to look into them. I'm always interested in learning about different issues and learning how to help others along the way!

  2. I also recommend the documentary 13th, which is available on Netflix.
